Tuesday 18 October 2011

my first blog!!

am i a hard blogger??that the first question was playing in my mind when i created this blog...
oh no..im not really like blogging..hehee
tp ntahla tak tahu kenapa i did created this..maybe just for fun or suka2..:)
or mungkin teringin nak blogging..tgk org lain semua da blog..orrrr maybe i just want ti fill up my leisure time..

 tp setelah didalami kata hati ini, actually by creating this blog, sy boleh bermonolg sendiri..
luahkan perasaan with no limited space..hehe..klu FB mcm limited skit..

Followers?hehe..sy pun x add sape2 lg..so mmg xder followers la..i doesn't matter because as long as i can job down all my ideas.feeling and so forth kira ok la..hehe

now, i am attending LKIM 's workshop which held at Camar laut, Bagan Lalang Sepang..
so while waiting our first taklimat, terhasil lah blog ni..hehe
ntahla dah xder idea nak coret apa kat blogg ni..
maybe i would take some times nak cr idea..

bye bye!!xoxo

p/s..another achievement to my self..clap clap!!hehe